November 16, 2009

Lagarto na cerveja preta / Eye of round in black beer

Esse eh um dos meus favoritos! E muito facil de fazer.

Lagarto na cerveja preta

1,5Kg de lagarto
2 latas de cerveja caracu
1 lata de pomarola
1 pacote de sopa de cebola knorr

Furar todo o lagarto e tempera-lo a gosto.
Colocar 2 colheres de oleo na panela de pressao, colocar a carne e ir virando ate selar por inteiro (ela fica branquinha por fora). Misturar numa tijela a cerveja, sopa e pomarola, jogar na panela de pressao e deixar por 1,5 no fogo baixo.

This is one of my favorites! And really easy to cook.

Eye of round in black beer

3lbs of eye of round (approximately)
2 cans of black beer
1 can tomato sauce
1 pkg onion soup

Poke holes in the whole meat and season it to your liking (usually meat are seasoned with garlic and salt in Brazil). In a pressure cooker, sear the meat in 2 tbsp of oil. Blend the beer, tomato sauce and soup and pour it into the pressure cooker. Close the pressure cooker and cook for 1.5 hours in low heat.


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