November 10, 2009

Bolo de Goiabada / Guava Paste Cake

Bolo de Goiabada

2 xicaras de manteiga
1 xicara de acucar
3 ovos
3 xicaras de farinha de trigo
1/2 xicara de leite
1 colher de sopa de po royal
1 lata de leite condensado
1 lata de goiabada
1 pacote de coco ralado

Separa as claras da gema e bata as claras em neve. 
Em outra vasilha, misture as gemas, acucar e manteiga. Depois adicione a farinha de trigo, o leite e o po royal. Misture bem. Adicione as claras em neve bem devagar.
Numa forma untada com manteiga e farinha, despeje a mistura. Corte a goiabada em fatias finas e cubra todo o bolo com a goiabada. Cubra a goiabada com o leite condensado e depois salpique coco ralado.

Num forno pre-aquecido (180oC), asse por aproximadamente 35 a 40 mins. O bolo estara pronto qdo estiver dourado por cima ou um garfo sair limpo do bolo (o ultimo pode nao funcionar muito bem por causa da goiabada e leite condensado)

Guava Paste Cake

3 1/2 sticks of butter
1 cup sugar
3 eggs
4 cups flour
4oz of milk
1 tbsp of baking powder

1 can of sweetened milk
1 can of guava paste
1 pack of coconut

Separate the egg whites and egg yolks. Beat the egg whites until stiff.
In another bowl mix the egg yolks, sugar and butter. Once it is mixed, mix the flour, milk and baking powder.
Fold in the egg whites into the mix carefully.
In an standard size cake pan, grease the pan with butter and dust it with flour.
Pour the cake mix into the pan.
Cut the guava paste in really thin pieces and cover the cake with them (I usually use half of the can).
Pour the sweetened milk all over the cake and the guava paste, almost covering the whole thing.
Sprinkle the coconut on top of it.

In a pre-heated oven, bake it for approx. 35-40 minutes (350oF).
The cake will be done when it is golden on the top and if a fork can come out clean from the cake (this last one doesn't work really well because of the guava paste and the sweetened milk since they always stick to the fork).


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